Muslims made me hate Islam
I (f20, atheist) used to believe that muslims were oppressed in the west and i never once dared to criticize anything about Islam in fear of being seen as islamophobic. I saw countless of posts online from leftist activists talking about islamophobia and how great of a religion Islam is, and how much they respect women and so on. When i started high school a group of muslim boys were a part of my class. I remember during one of our first biology lessons they talked about swedish women being whores and sleeping around when our teacher talked about STD rates in Sweden. Later on that same class the boys laughed out loud when our teacher talked about men being raped and how male victims aren’t talked about enough.
When i turned 18 i posted a video of me and my friends on social media, dressing up for my 18th birthday. I only had a couple of hundred followers on my account so I didn’t expect any views on this video, since I’ve posted similar things in the past with like no likes or comments. This one went semi-viral though and got 600k+ views. Somehow my video seemed to reach muslim men because my comment section was full of muslim men calling us sluts, whores, impure, stating that we’ll never be able to find husbands.. I removed the video after a couple of days bc I felt honestly disgusting, yet after this I still didn’t see Islam as anything other than “a misunderstood and oppressed religion”.
A girl in my HS class decided to take off her hijab a couple of months before our graduation. She was posted all over snapchat by muslim men from our school and from nearby towns and people were absolutely slandering her, saying that her dad should beat her up and “take care of her”. They also said that she’d probably started dating a swedish man and that’s why she’s acting like a “whore”. Still after this I was too scared to say anything bad about Islam.
It wasn’t until the day of my graduation when I was harassed by a group of muslim men, on my way home from my graduation party, drunk as hell, that i realized that Islam is the problem. It was never “western media” or “white christians” who made me hate Islam. It was muslims themselves.
I was barely able to walk and they shouted at me, saying all kinds of things and pushing me. Thankfully the police patrols around a lot during graduation day in Sweden bc it’s very hectic and lots of people are drunk so they helped me and I was able to file a police report.
I hate religion. But I especially hate how easy it is for Muslims to pull the “islamophobia card” after anyone criticize their religion. They hate women, they hate gay people, they hate ex muslims and basically anyone who isn’t perfect according to Islam.