Faulty concepts of "critical thinking" and "creativity" in educational system by the intellectuals...

I don't know, the current state of educational curriculum, but as far as I have read from many articles, especially from Zafar Iqbal's line of thinking, I believe, Bangladeshi educational system is bound to be doomed because of the faulty intellectual thinking by the intellectuals themselves.

First of all, the problem is apparent in almost all parts of the world, as the modern educational system has "secularized" the "intellect" from "intuition" unlike the pre-modern critical thinking of philosophers, but the reasons why I explicitly mentioned Bangladeshi educational system, cause even most celebrated intellectuals fail to see "critical thinking". They have immobilized educational system, that you need to study on education rather than to educate people.

The first problem is, মুখস্ত নয়, সৃজনশীল. That means one should replace "memorizing" in favor "creativity". But when it comes to defining creativity itself, they misuse the terms. They have conflated "inventive" and "innovative" concepts to "creative" thinking. Creativity is an artistic ability that totally comes from within oneself. Creativity comes through "imagination" that lies in the intuitive power of human beings. Education does not create "creativity". And that's why even a simple piece of fictional writing manifests creativity, even if he is not learned much. Creativity does not need cultivation. Rabindranath Tagore is the best example of it..
The second point is that, memorizing something is not a bad thing. Because, having a "high-memory" to absorb as much as details as possible, is commendable not condemnable.

Secondly, mathematics (theoretical science) is neither creative nor inventive. Mathematics is demonstration of propositional logic. There is simply no creativity in mathematics (you ought to read Ludwig Wittgenstein and Gottlob Frege if you are interested in the theory of mathematics). Mathematics only follows logical axioms of the universe, not creativity in aesthetic sense. Mathematics should stay as mathematics. Mathematics is about analytical skills, not creative skills.

Thirdly, inventive idea has only been linked to success. Hence, it is only discussed in business corporation for which the end goal of inventive idea remains productivity. And that's why anybody who has earned money and has created his business, comes down saying what others should follow. Inventive ideas should only follow "natural science" to demonstrate natural phenomena. "Entrepreneurship" should not be confused with "inventive' ideas.

But sadly, enough, I do not see any (philosophical) intellectual from Bangladesh discussing this. And that's why the education system has been led to its doom by people like Zafar Iqbal.