Anyone have funny stories due to their episode?
Funny story? Since the end of November I've been severely depressed. I also been secretly wanting to go to pilot school since then LOL. Not telling anyone, I thought maybe it be a fun surprise like those YouTube videos you see where people reveal something unexpectedly, and that I can do something out of my comfort zone. The only hint I gave my bf was constantly asking him if we can go on one of those helicopter rides soon. He didn't understand why because I'm usually afraid of heights.
One of the schools I was communicating with told me about needing to get a FAA medical certificate... turns out that bipolar disorder is not allowed, it’s an automatic disqualification. So I ended up crying all day and couldn’t even tell my bf why because I knew it would make me sound out of it since I never mentioned it to him. Though my 2 month dream was crushed.
I was like so set on doing it because I've been so depressed, and I thought the only thing that can make me feel alive was going to pilot school. This week, I've slowly started to feel better, and now that I'm a little more sane, I realize I almost spent a lot of money over a bipolar episode. No wonder they don't want impulsive people to pilot... though I did cry a bit more tonight when thinking about it because it is disappointing in some ways. But I can’t help but laugh too.