Breakthrough bleeding on Slynd?
So I (28f) started Slynd on January 3rd of this year. My period is due this Friday/Saturday but I started bleeding this past Saturday. I’m not sure if it’s a breakthrough bleed or my period coming early.
Now, I know this is super common when starting a new birth control, especially Slynd. However, I only use birth control so that I don’t get a period. The contraception part isn’t that important to me as I always use condoms and have no qualms about getting an abortion if I get pregnant on accident. So extra bleeding is annoying. And the thought of starting my period this weekend and potentially bleeding for a total of almost 2 weeks (or longer!) is really upsetting me. I’ve talked to a few people where I work (gynecology office) and I was told to
• power through (doctor) • start taking the placebos so that I just go ahead and have my “period” (nurse) • take 600 mg of ibuprofen up to three times a day for up to 5 days which can stop breakthrough bleeding/lighten your period (various legitimate Internet sources)
My partner (27m) is uncomfortable with period sex and I’m not a big fan either, so that’s my main issue right now but I also just hate periods (lol I know I’m not special). I didn’t have one for over 3 years when I was using generic Lo estrin Fe (never experienced breakthrough bleeding), but in the last year or so the estrogen started giving me breast pain, vaginal dryness, etc so I quit BC for 2 months. I’ve had 2 periods since and I forgot just how messy, painful, and inconvenient these things are. My period has always been regular, not super heavy or painful, 4-5 days, but STILL. UGH.
Any thoughts on the options I was given? The bleeding seems to be lightening up today so maybe these 3 days of breakthrough bleeding are over but now I’m grumpy because my period is due this weekend and I don’t know if my current bleeding cancels it out in any way?
I know I JUST started this pill, but I guess I’m just looking for some reassurance?