My boss found out I’m abandoning calls lol
Basically the title. This job and this life feels like hell on earth. It’s so miserable, yes I already straight hang up on rude ppl. But I walk away from my phone and desk at times bc I just can’t with this place, it’s so stressful and I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to be everyone’s punching bag. And she noticed in our 1:1 I’m abandoning calls lol. She made a written note of the call which is annoying af, bc im actually pretty damn good, and bc I’m human and can’t deal with non stop 24/7 and be on the phone for EIGHT HOURS. god I feel crazy and awful rn. It’s just a lot of compounding things in my life, and I’m actively in the job market for other areas, just the market is rough and this is what I could immediately find. I wanted to share as I’m sure y’all can relate. Part of me is like do I just get fired to file for unemployment. Thanks for listening. I know I’ll be ok, just need to figure out a part time job asap bc full time in a call center isn’t it, and they won’t let me work part time (figured)