Sick child at a family Christmas dinner
I need to vent so bad. Apologies for the mega rant but I have nobody that would sympathise. Everyone things this kid is so cute. I am trying to surpress my pure dislike for this kid and it's hard.
I don't know if I'm just incapable of ever having my own kid and be a good father. I don't know. So me and my wife visited my wife's family. 6 people in total. One 4 years old kid.
What do I find out when we get here? The kid is ill. Did anybody tell him to cover his mouth coughing? Hell no. All the Christmas food has been sneezed and coughed over. Nobody gives a damn. Today I have a sore throat and I'm pissed. I'm free from work till new year's and I'll probably spend that time in bed.
He pokes his nose and immediately puts his hands on me. Everyone literally goes deaf when I ask "did you just wipe your bogey on me?".
Are all kids this bloody disgusting? I'm a germophobe and this isn't my kid. I hate that I'm supposed to entertain him. I absolutely hate every second of it. My wife keeps going on about how she loves him to bits. I don't get it.