I literally have no sympathy for regretful parents. I however encourage them to speak upon their experiences.

The title basically explains all. But I have no sympathy for these people what so ever.

And I don’t believe my lack of sympathy should tie into them coming out about being regretful.

But it really angers me at the same time the audacity to complain about some shit that clearly looks complicated before you have a child.

You really didn’t put two and two together before hand to realize how difficult it would be? Really?

You thought raising a human from the ground up would be simple and chill?

Please complain all you want. Seriously. But why act surprised?

The only thing I’ll never want to happen is regret leading to abuse to a child who didn’t ask to be here IF it turns into that.

But complaining about your kids, having to raise them, etc is just so funny to me to an extent.

Edit: with an exception to younger people who were manipulated, abused, etc.