What are your gripes about ChromeOS? What are you missing when using it?

I'm looking to buy a new laptop in the coming months, and I'm leaning towards a chromebook. I've been testing ChromeOS on a spare laptop using Brunch for a few months now, so I have an idea of what the ChromeOS experience is like, but I'd like to hear more from people who use this OS more frequently. Also Brunch, as good as it is (it's really good, props to the guy who made it), is not official so it may not be fully representative of the experience on a legit Chromebook.

So far in my experience with ChromeOS, I've been very impressed. I already use a lot the Google ecosystem (one reason while Chromebooks interest me) and my phone is a Pixel, so the integration has been very neat and genuinely useful. I haven't been able to try the feature for streaming apps, but I'm not sure if that's a limitation of Brunch, my phone or a problem of ChromeOS. The linux environment has been useful as I do some light web development, although it seems to suck a lot of battery on this laptop.

One thing that seemed really lackluster to me was the video player. I get that Chromebooks are geared more towards online streaming, but as someone who watches movies and tv shows offline, that video player is really limited; I wasn't even able to make subtitles work with it. Admittedly, I didn't research much into it, so it might be possible.

Even Android apps worked mostly great for me, with one exception. But it's an app that barely works on regular Android devices so I'll give ChromeOS a pass on that one.

Brunch comes with developer mode already enabled, so I've been able to install apks from unknown sources, which is very useful. One app I use a lot is TachiJ2K, which is not available on the Play Store. On that note, does enabling developer mode on a regular Chromebook cause annoying messages to appear? I couldn't find a clear answer. One thing I love about ChromeOS is the minimalist look, it would be a bummer if it was ruined by some message in red telling me I'm in developer mode.

But yeah, I've been very impressed with the capabilities of the OS and would like to hear from those that use it more than me what problems have they run into, what doesn't work, what are they missing from other OSes. It might give me some insight before I buy my next device (I'm leaning towards a 2-in-1 laptop with stylus support).

Thank you all for reading all this, I'd love to hear your opinions