Which Pokemon Team member do you least like out of all of Emile's Pokemon teams that he's ever used?

When I was younger, I wasn't a huge fan of Emile's teams as they didn't focus on type coverage compared to other Let's Players I'd watch like PurpleRodri or Lueroi. For example, in his Emerald LP, he had two Water types (Ludicolo and Tentacruel) and no Ground type, only having Blaziken with Earthquake. Or with Crystal, he had literally no counter for Water types. I used to dislike that and as a result, I wasn't ever that fond of Emile's teams.

However, now I like the creativity of it more. It's actually influenced the way I play the games. I used to try and get all types covered in my team, but I've tried to follow the method Emile seems to use by using individual moves of a type to compensate for the lack of having a Pokemon of that type. E.g. Blaziken with Earthquake instead of a proper Ground type.

Even with that change in mindset of mine though, I still disagree with some of the choices Emile has made with his teams. The two I most disagree with are probably Persian in FRLG and Dragonite in Crystal. For Persian, it seemed apparent to me that he used Persian as a "setting up" type of Pokemon, with Screech, and getting some quick damage in before an inevitable KO (though its Attack stat isn't that impressive). I personally don't like the idea of dedicating a Pokemon to a purpose like that, I'd rather it be able to at least take some hits if it were to have Screech. As for Dratini, it is just obtained way too late in the game and with the level scaling in Johto, you'd probably get Dragonite just before Red, unless you grind earlier. You're stuck with a Dragonair for most of the game.

But that's just my opinion. Which ones did you like the least?