Remaster is *hard*
Hi everyone. I've only played Generals when i was a kid (was too young to play originals back then). I wanted to give the remaster a try, visuals look neat while still maintaining the retro look and all.. BUT my goodness this game is hard for me. even on easy mod. I'm not much of a RTS player in general, played a lot of Age of Empires 2 back then, but only the campaing casually. Same with Generals. I dont think i ever finished it yet tho.
In this remaster, first couple of missions were easy and fun to explore the mechanics but then those "capturing or stealing stuff from GDI base missions" came along and gosh... I just suck at this game. Starting with limited units, capturing enemy buildings with engineers, trying to safekeep engineers unit etc...
I was looking for a more chill, remaster-touch of an old retro looking game but honestly i just get overwhelm. Do you have any suggestions or should i just refund? Thanks.
PS: i also have C&C collection on Steam, and installed RA2 just to hear the infamous Kirov reporting for myself. I noticed vanilla RA2 somehow plays and feels almost better than this remaster... Is it normal or am i just tripping?