The Worst Story Covered in Creepcast?

I'ma be honest: I can't decide between "I Dared My Friend to Ruin My Life" and "My Job Is Watching a Woman"

I fucking hated "My Job" because never once did it interest me. I got so bored halfway through and got lost in the plot. I wish I could remember all the details on it, but I refuse to go back to that slog. Both stories had unnecessary over-explanation, wherein "I Dared My Friend" kept explaining random internet safety/credit card shit, the other one kept talking about some damn tree or something. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely hated every time credit cards were mentioned, but god damn dude, how many times do you have to talk about this tree and say sentences like "it was almost like that tree, but it wasn't." That sentence is nothing.

The one thing keeping me from saying that "I Dared My Friend" is not the worst is because it seems like it is meant to be this way if that makes any sense. "My Job" just randomly got really ethereal while "I Dared My Friend" stayed over-the-top the entire time but in a sense that is feasible (so like superhero comics or something). "I Dared My Friend" also sprinkled in these over-the-top moments in between the bore that was explaining shit that kept me going. I guess what I mean is that "I Dared My Friend" stayed pretty consistent while "My Job" went from some plot about an experiment involving a woman to crawling through tunnels in some far off place or something (genuinely do not remember lol)

Both stories had some funny moments (maybe that was just because the boys were being silly), but both stories have just the worst writing. The protagonist of "My Job" was so badly written. He is written like the big dumb guy character from a comedy, and I got so tired of "what was the word again?" And in "I Dared My Friend" there are so many logical errors, especially with Hernandez and the entire police team (which shouldn't really be a surprise considering most police teams in these stories make no sense at all), that it made the story just not fun. I legitimately cannot tell what side Hernandez is on, even after that epilogue section. Need I mention over-explanations again?

I'm sure many of you are just pointing to "I Dared My Friend" as being the worst story they've read, which really is a fair assessment, but I genuinely am curious if anyone agrees that "My Job" is a contender or if anyone has other ideas. If I got details wrong about "My Job" feel free to roast me in the comments.