An aspect of being a father that never gets talked about is how men and women bond with their newborns in different ways and different speeds.
I’ve seen a lot of men on here express how they feel terrible that they don’t have a “love at first sight.” Attitude when their child is born. I just want to say that this is pretty fuckin normal for men. At least from what i’ve seen.
The newborn stage is rough, especially with a first. It upends your world, your schedule and honestly, from my perspective. Newborns are no fun. They poop, and cry and throw up and that’s about it. It took me a few months to feel any kind of love to my children, and i felt horrible about that for ages. Until i talked to other dads and they confessed they felt the same way but never told anyone, because they were afraid people would label them as a bad dad.
Thats some BS. We don’t have the child grow in us. We don’t get that attachment, and lets be real, our brains are wired differently from women in most cases. I’ve seen it with family and friends. Women to a T are absolutely enthralled by the newborns and eager to hold them. But men are like “naw im good.”
That flips when kids get older. My sons 18 months, hes a total daddys boy and hes my best lil buddy. Men now are so much more enthusiastic about him, even strangers interact with him.
Anyways, rant over. Just wanted this out there as ive seen a lot of dads say they felt the same way and thought more of us need to talk about it.