Ebraheem is DIABOLICAL

I get the hate towards LJ and what she did cuz that was crazy but everybody attacking her and especially Ebraheem is the one to talk on episode 8? He was the last person who should share his opinion on her after everything he’s done.

Ebraheem is literally diabolical, there’s nothing good in that man, he had issues with everybody, he’s literally the villain in this show, he pisses me off so much. He’s always attacking everybody and fighting everybody but then is everybody else who has to apologize to him? For what? Him being a literal cunt?? And honeslty I can’t blame DJ Bliss, cuz if it was me I would’ve done worse, like don’t expect to treat others badly and then have no consequences afterwards.

And Ebraheem no one gives a flying fuck about you, always saying that everybody is jealous.. jealous of what exactly??? You literally have nothing to offer if not evil intentions, stfu and get a life