
Namesake: Chronos by Danimal Cannon & Zef

Ability: the stand's ability is to let time pass faster for the user. The user chooses a pose in which he will remain for as long as the ability is active (sitting, laying down); then, he will choose how fast time will pass for him (The maximum is 10 days in a second). Finally, the ability is activated. The user's conscience will be sent to a black dimension where there is only a window from where the user can see what his body sees and hear what the body hears, but it will obviously be sped up, and there is also a calendar with the date and hour the user's body currently is. While the ability is active, the body of the user will remain in the position the user chose, and it will be immune to thirst, hunger, muscle tiredness or aging, but will still remain vulnerable to damage and can be moved by other people. The user can come back in control of his body whenever he likes, but obviously the more he speeds up time for him, the less reaction time he will have to snap back in control. The stand has no combat capabilities. While the user nowdays looks like a 30 year old, he was born in 1833.

Namesake: Chronos by Danimal Cannon & Zef

Ability: the stand's ability is to let time pass faster for the user. The user chooses a pose in which he will remain for as long as the ability is active (sitting, laying down); then, he will choose how fast time will pass for him (The maximum is 10 days in a second). Finally, the ability is activated. The user's conscience will be sent to a black dimension where there is only a window from where the user can see what his body sees and hear what the body hears, but it will obviously be sped up, and there is also a calendar with the date and hour the user's body currently is. While the ability is active, the body of the user will remain in the position the user chose, and it will be immune to thirst, hunger, muscle tiredness or aging, but will still remain vulnerable to damage and can be moved by other people. The user can come back in control of his body whenever he likes, but obviously the more he speeds up time for him, the less reaction time he will have to snap back in control. The stand has no combat capabilities. While the user nowdays looks like a 30 year old, he was born in 1833.