Should i opt for a 39 week induction?

Almost 38 weeks here. My ob offered an induction at 39 weeks, and i wasn’t keen on it at first. mostly because I’ve heard early induction increases the risk of a c section. It would be elective.

but since she offered symptoms have been out of control. Y’all. I am miserable. I hate every single moment that I’m awake aside from the time i spend running/walking. I can’t work for more than 3 hours a day because the baby starts kicking me so much that i can’t focus and i just want to scream. I cry from the pain constantly. I’ve talked to my ob, and she says it’s fine and it’s good that he’s moving so much, but it feels like my guts are being ripped apart. The only break i get is when I’m exercising because the movement puts my baby to sleep. I also have Braxton hicks constantly because of the fetal movement. It’s not labor - since I’m not dilated. He is really low in my pelvis though.

also, baby has dropped from 90th percentile to 30th for size which is really troubling to me. my husband and i were both massive babies, so him being small/falling off his growth curve is a red flag to me.

my first question is - could running/walking (i typically get more then 20k steps a day) be making This worse? I stopped weight training a few weeks ago because i wasn’t recovering well and would get roundhouse kicked in the spine while squatting.

my second question is: did anyone out there elect for an earlier induction? What was your experience like regarding recovery? Did you end up needing surgery?