Does anyone feel like trans women and lesbians just hate you?

I have absolutely NO issues with lesbian and trans women, but so often it seems like they have a problem with me. Not trying to spread or encourage any hate, I just want to know if anyone else can relate to this, or if maybe I am problem. I had an old friend group that had one trans woman and two lesbians in it. When I came out, the trans woman just got angry at me, and told me all about how being male sucks and I DON'T want to be male and I'm so pretty and should just not transition because being female is better, because she hates being male and wishes she could be female. My two lesbian friends started treating me like I was butch, refused to call me a man or use my name, and just tried to "take me under their wing" and "guide me back to light", aka, teach me how to be a good little lesbian girl despite the fact that I'm Not a girl and Not attracted to girls, which I told them over and over. They acted like I was just a lost little lady who didn't know what she needed.

More recently I got a group of discord friends, most of which are ftm like me, and enbys. Someone eventually invited their mtf girlfriend to the group, and she was really sweet and fun to talk to. I thought we were friends and getting along great, close enough to start talking to each other in dms, but then one day I posted in the vent channel of the server about my dysphoria. She responded to it, tearing into me about how testosterone is disgusting and the male body is garbage and I'd be destroying my life if I transitioned, and then started saying how lucky we all are and complaining about her dysphoria and how she wishes she had my body and that I'm not GRATEFUL enough. It made me so angry, and everyone in the group saw it, and nobody said anything, or did anything, because they were too afraid of causing problems. I was so hurt and angry that I left the group.

It happens over and over with strangers, too, lesbians telling me I need to just "admit I like women and stop attention seeking" or that I'm just a poor little girl poisoned by society to hate being a girl, or trans women calling me foolish and stupid and tell me not to transition and to just be a girl.

It's made me wary of any lesbians and trans women and I feel really bad about it. I don't want to be judgemental or judge a whole group but my experiences so far have just been overwhelmingly negative. I will never start any sort of argument or disagreement with other LBGT people just living their lives, I want to support people and help lift each other up, but that's so hard to do when it seems like they just hate me, and other transmen. I've heard other people complain about this too, that transmen are judged so harshly by the rest of the community. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Any advice, or positive stories instead of negative ones?