M21. (Nearly) 4 month post op results. What is happening???? Help!

Hi everyone,

This is my nearly 4 month update following my gynecomastia surgery back in September last year.

I am so confused as to what is going on. The surgery was performed by Dr Nurein in his Sheffield Clinic in the UK.

Nipples looked great and flat when I first took the compression vest off to have my first shower (see picture 1) however over the course of the four months, despite wearing the vest for around 2 of those months consistently, my nipples appear really strange.

As you can see on the pictures, my nipples still appear really puffy. However when I massage the nipple and breast area I can’t feel anything of concern. Also, when I put my arm up in the air and stretch up in the air, you can see that the nipple lays flat.

Any idea as to what’s going on?