Theory: Filch wasn’t originally a squib
Theory: Filch wasn’t really a squib
Anyone who’s read the books (I don’t believe it’s mentioned in the movies) know that Filch is a squib. The man says so himself in CoS after all.
But what if that isn’t entirely accurate? We know from later books that witches and wizards who undergo immense emotional duress, or even who are simply depressed, can lose their powers.
The prisoners of Azkaban eventually lose theirs as the dementors consume every happy memory, feeding on the despair.
We know Tonks, who was brokenhearted by Lupin’s rejection, temporarily lost her ability to transform.
Voldemort’s mother might have lost her powers due to her broken heart.
Dumbledore puts it, “I do not think that she wanted to be a witch any longer. Of course,it is also possible that her unrequited love and the attendant despair sapped her of her powers; that can happen.”
And we know that Dumbledore’s sister was so traumatized by her attack that she internalized her magic. She was unable to control it, and so, at times of emotional duress, the magic controlled her.
Perhaps something similar happened to Argus Filch.
We know that squibs are highly encouraged to integrate into muggle society, as they are essentially muggles themselves. If that’s the case, why on earth would Filch be the caretaker at Hogwarts? Squibs are not on the admissions list. They’re unable to attend. Hence why Mrs. Figg is not on any ministry records. Even the ministry doesn’t pay much attention to them. With that being the case, how on earth could filch have possibly landed the job of caretaker? Let alone have such intimate knowledge of the castle. His knowledge is assumed to be bested only by the marauders and the Weasley twins. (And Voldemort too, I suppose)
We also know that Filch has a rather mystical and unexplained connection to Mrs. Norris. They’re shown to have some sort of link and ability to communicate with each other. That alone is quite impressive for someone with no magical ability. Sure we know squibs can still see dementors and such, but there is no indication of anything of that nature.
I therefore theorize that Filch was indeed a wizard who, after a tragic accident that left his beloved Mrs. Norris as a cat, was unable to effectively preform any magic. Due to this, he resents the students both for their budding magical prowess and for their naiveté. However, he has tried to regain his magical abilities through means such as Kwikspell courses, etc.