Freddie Gibbs & Canadian artist John River respond to the plagiarism rumours regarding Drake & PARTYNEXTDOOR's upcoming album cover art and promotional material
Freddie Gibbs via Twitter
Damn they even stole the rabbits too. I'm flattered.
John River via Instagram (Screenshots via Twitter)
Partynextdoor wanted to get on a call after my video went viral in the country. On this call that lasted around 2 hours, he told me he watched the video 20x & me in front of the Monroe Towers was labeled new innovative & iconic. "Why are you getting attention instead of me" is exactly what he said
For over an hour he then told me (& tweeted then deleted) that I needed to always pay him homage. "You're young & you don't want to get black balled". The rest of the call he was fixated on every aspect & detail of my video, the towers & my vision for the city. Multiple people were present. I told him I respect his music but homage was strange.
When another OVO artist asked to sit-down; he also began asking in depth about me, the Monroe towers, my thought process & all of my future music plans surrounding them. He then asked if I'd write for them to which I said no. He never spoke to or saw me again personally.
This started when I was a teen & has been happening up to as recently as 6 months ago under the guise of admiration. I got 12 texts on Tuesday around noon & then i saw the PND cover & I instantly knew what had happened (& been happening).
I would never ever claim a free standing building as my own. Telling someone after obsessing over their work you want to be involved, dissecting it, being rejected & then stealing their identify & reselling it as your own is insane.
Taking this further or any other direction will be painted as crashing out. I don't want anything. The bible says speak truth against injustice, defend the poor & fear no man. I don't care about anything else.
Everybody says don't sell your soul in this music industry & yet when you speak up against something clearly immoral & wrong, they rush to protect the same predators they warn you about.
I love my city, they know where I'm headed & believe in my potential. Nothing else needs to be said.