Frustration with Automation making me wobble on HA. Help!
I've posted on here and other groups before and I can't seem to replicate what I had in Homebridge before moving to HA.
I'm trying to replicate the Occupancy Delay plugin which I used in conjunction with two Aqara Motion Sensors in my en-suite bathroom - one is Aqara RTCGQ14LM pointing at main part of room (which we'll call MS1) and other is Aqara RTCGQ11LM (which we'll call MS2) pointing specifically in the shower area for an automation as follows:
Simple version: Someone walks in, motion detected, lights go on, pre-defined countdown starts. if motion detected by either motion sensor within that countdown, countdown is reset and starts again. Lights stay on until countdown completes fully and then lights turn off.
That's the theory. My automations are attached. Have two - one for lights on and one for lights off. I know, I'd probably be able to do as one single automation but I'm focussing on getting it working first!!!
Here's what's happening though. MS1 seems to work as intended in the automation. In simple testing, light goes on and 2 mins later (my pre-defined timer) it turns off. MS2 (which does detect motion as I've tested) doesn't seem to be taken in to consideration in the automation. As I found out yet again this morning when wife went in for a shower, the light went off when the MS1 sensor stopped detecting, despite MS2 still detecting motion in the shower.
Wife has duly threatened to rip the lot out if it doesn't work. Whilst it's a drastic reaction, I share her frustration and it makes me wonder whether going to HA from Homebridge was the right call.
Please - help me troubleshoot this and rectify the issue(s).