Switching from Plasma to Hyprland - system tray and workspace arrangement

So I'm using KDE Plasma but I want to try Hyprland. The main reason is that I'm used to tiling my windows by hand (yes I know but I save the config so I only have to arrange them once the way I like them) and I want to use the fast switch feature plus I like having multiple workspaces. A couple of questions:

  1. Does anyone know what applications are behind the system tray icons on Plasma? The reason being that I want to recreate the ones I use frequently (Audio, Bluetooth, Networking) on Waybar.

  2. How can I add more icons with corresponding applications (OpenRGB, CoolerControl, CoreCTRL, Nextcloud, Arch Update Checker and a clipboard)?

  3. Which clipbboard manager is everyone using?

  4. How can I assign workspace numbers by default? I have two external displays and I'd like to set it up like 1-5 on the left one and 6-10 on the right (even if I'm not using let's say 3-5 the right one should still start from 6 so I can remember stuff easier).

Thanks! :)