BMI 46 to 23... life at "goal weight"... isn't exactly what I expected.

I didn't believe that ever being a healthy BMI was possible. Which is quite possibly why I had so much magical thinking about what it must feel like. It must be amazing. Just utter bliss. Every moment.

And it is amazing in many ways. But it is also, just so boring and unremarkable.

You often see people wanting to get to their goal weight as fast as possible. Because the goal. That's where everything is just fantastic and glorious. But, actually... the weight loss journey was far more thrilling. Far more rewarding.

Every week you felt like you were achieving something. Something was always changing. Something was always new. When you literally lose over half your body weight (125kg to 62kg)... you meet milestone after milestone. There are so many successes and victories along the way.

And life is boring now. And sometimes I actually miss that.

But... on the flip side... life being "boring" is actually the reason being a healthy BMI is actually amazing. I am slowly growing to appreciate that. But I thought I would feel "special". I don't.

I just feel "normal".

Everything I do is unremarkable. Which certainly has it's appeal - because life at a BMI of 46 made everything difficult. Unremarkable, boring, simple. It's easy.

But, I don't know, I expected it to be more glamourous!

I do not regret losing weight. It is still one of the best things I have ever done. I just kind of miss the purpose that the "journey" gave me. I have a lot of mental work now to do in terms of learning how to maintain this weight loss.