My shy boyfriend melts with any little act of affection❤️❤️

Ughh this literally happened 15 minutes ago and I’ve been gushing over it. I’ve dated this super shy super sweet guy for a hair over 2 months and I have to say it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had, seriously can see myself marrying this boy.

I’m still at my boyfriends apartment. He was wanting cuddles from me for a while but I had hw I had to do for my classes. He started playing on his Xbox and I decided I would go over and kiss him. I walked up to him and gave him a small peck on the cheek, nothing extravagant. When I moved back to look at him, he had the biggest smile on his face and was blushing a little bit. I literally melted when I saw how something so small could make him so happy. Ughh I love him sooooo much. He told he he loves little kisses like that and they make him all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

I keep falling more and more I love with him everyday we’re together. I love you my muffin❤️😘