Problem With My Mix Sounding So "Thin" Compared To Pro Mixes
Hey everyone! I was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me some advice. It's kind of long, but I think it's relevant to my issue.
I have watched hundreds of videos and read countless amateur and "pro" advice in my beginning mixing journey. I've followed all the advice with panning, gain staging, and HPFs and leaving the low end just for the bass and kick. The low end is also in mono and centered. The vocals are also centered (not in mono). I mix with my ears 90% of the time as well as with a spectrum analyzer to see inconsistencies and possible issues the other 10% of the time. On and on and on.
Instruments in my mix: Vocals, kick, bass, piano, steel guitar, Wurlitzer, horns, hi hats, rim shot, snare, and crash. I know it's kind of busy, but the steel guitar and Wurlitzer are used sparingly in the arrangement and the horns are playing when the vocals aren't. If I had to label the genre it might be jazz pop or something like that.
My tonal balance seems to be ok on SPAN (correct me if I'm wrong in the second pic). Nothing seems to be out of place or too loud or too soft when I listen to it. The first frequency spectrum pic I uploaded ( is a pro mix reference and the second pic ( is the frequency spectrum from my mix. Mine even seems more balanced along the entire spectrum (once again, correct me if I'm wrong). I see my sides don't start until about 260 or so and their sides don't start until about 170 or so. My bass is louder than my kick and it's the opposite for them. I have a pretty flat frequency spectrum throughout except for a slight boost in the lows with my bass and kick and that roll off with the upper highs. There's a bit of a dip in 200-300, but that's because I cut quite a lot there to get rid of a lot of mud that built up so the bottom end can be separated from the low-mids.
I think I've used reverb sparingly and I've compressed the instruments slightly that had a little too much dynamics at about -3db. I compressed the vocals a bit more at about -7db. Maybe another -3db on the master.
My headphones are EQ'd to the Harman Target. I just use the headphones to mix because my computer speakers are trash. Pro songs sound just fine in my headphones when I reference. My song sounds fine in my headphones, but when I play it on anything else (PC speakers or Sony earbuds) versus a song on Spotify or Pandora or even YouTube on my computer, it's much different.
The problem is that the pro song sounds "fat" and full, and mine sounds "thin" and "hollow" or harsh and when I master it, it just sounds like louder "thin" and "hollow" and harsh. From my description, what can I possibly be doing wrong? Is there any advice you can give me on how to get that pro "fat" and "warm" sound?
I'm only on my second song, and the first song has the same problem. I'm happy with everything from the tonal balance with my levels (in the spectrum analyzer and in my ears) to the arrangement to everything else. I'm still missing that pro fatness and warmth. It's almost like my song is in mono (it's not) compared to pro songs even though I've done panning with layers to hard left and hard right, and stereo separation.
Is it just layering? Do I have to layer a few tracks of the same instrument? How would that work in terms of loudness and adjusting my levels, compression, etc?
I've hit a wall and I have no idea what to do.