"No one likes loud fat girls"
For reference I'm 18 F 5'1 and 175 pounds. My whole life I've always been like bigger than all of the people around me. Both now in the US and when I lived in Mexico. Im loud, when I talk or laugh. Im a big ass yaper too, super extroverted. I wouldn't say I'm ugly, but I'm not conventionally attractive. And I'm fine with it, I've accepted my reality. I do my hair nicely, I wear cute trendy clothes and do my make up. I get a lot of compliments on those things.
The problem was recently I liked this dude. He was super nice to me, always talking and being in my space. He even told his friend to move so he could sit next to me. Turns out he likes and has been talking to another girl who's white, skinny, and very quiet. And it sucked, but I got over it. I thought this other dude was cute, and it got back to him. He had to tell me I was "really, really not his type".
I was telling one of my guy friends about it and he told me straight faced. "You're great, [Name]. Just no one like loud fat girls. You're a good friend, that's enough."
I feel bad now, cause he's not wrong. I've never had a boyfriend, and guys aren't into me. Like I don't get asked out or anything. It's just life and I'll get over it. It just sucks.