To those of you raised or living around people who use everything you say and do against you, to those living in a generally hostile environment, how do you manage, assuming you haven't escaped?
There's no tag for "General Discussion", so "Question" will have to do. To those of you who were either raised by or currently living around people who use everything you say and do against you, even if nothing, and to those of you who generally live in an environment made hostile by such people, how do you get by?
This assumes you haven't escaped, and because the last few times I asked questions like this, I was shut down punished forced to abandon all hopes of the question getting answered in some way, I'm going to say I don't mean me, regardless of whether I do, because the focus isn't me, plain and simple. I am attempting to get a discussion going or at least hear some stories to get some insight and ideas, that's all it is.