Husband admitted that he's poly. What now? M25 F26
For the entire time we've known each other, my husband has said that he is monogamous. No problem with me, since I'm monogamous as well. We've been married for six months now (dated for two years) and this has never even been a problem I've considered before.
Well, today my husband decided to drop the bombshell that he's been polyamorous this whole time. He said that he realized it when he was a teenager. His reasoning for why he kept this from me was that a previous girlfriend had broken up with him over it and he was scared that I would do the same. (Did I appreciate this vote of confidence over my commitment to our relationship? Not really! Why did he drop this on me today? No idea!)
After I calmed down my husband told me that he didn't feel that I wasn't enough or anything like that. Just that "being with one person felt off" and he didn't "want to be tied with just one person forever." At this point I reminded him that he quite literally signed a legal document that tied us together forever, and he didn't have a good answer for that.
Even disregarding how insane it feels that he's kept this from me for so long, I have no idea where to go from here. I don't have a problem with people being poly or having open marriages. I've always had the mindset that it wasn't for me, but it wasn't any of my business. Except now it is my business and I really don't want it to be.
On one hand, I don't like the idea of my husband having to ignore this part of himself for my sake. Even though he tells me that I am enough for him, I don't know if I should believe him or not. I want him to be happy.
But on the other hand, I know that opening up the marriage would make me unhappy. I've been reading other people's experiences and almost everyone says that communicating with each other about the people you're seeing is the healthiest way to do it, but even the idea of my husband telling me about these people he's going out with makes me feel sick. I don't have any interest in seeing other people so this would only be for his benefit, and would make me feel like shit.
I feel like I'm backed into a corner with no good way to go. I don't see any sort of compromise where we're both happy. I want to work this out, but I just don't know how. Is there anyone who's been in a similar situation and has any advice? Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I will make a longer post with a full update later. He is cheating on me and I am looking to annul the marriage. Thank you for the comments and advice.