Kaleido M6/M10 vs Bullet R2 Pro

Heavily considering one of these roasters and not really sure which way to go. I’m ok paying almost double the price for the bullet r2 pro when it comes out, but if I am able to get just as good coffee and repeatability out of an m6 or m10 I will most likely go that route.

I really like the community behind the bullet and seeing how others roast on it seems beneficial. And the cooling tray with stirrer on the pro looks awesome! Since most of my batches will most likely be 400-600g I think I could get away with an m6 vs the m10 as well.

Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this!

Adding that I currently have a nucleus link which I love, but have outgrown the 100g at a time batch since I have been roasting more for friends and family as well. I plan on keeping the link to do 50g sample roasts before roasting the larger batches.