How to avoid killing your hagraven wife

During the quest "a night to remember," the Dragonborn becomes betrothed to a hagraven. As part of this quest, you must kill the hagraven to continue (in the normal progression). Perhaps, like me, you object to this, in which case this guide will prove helpful.

This happens after interacting with Ysolda, in Whiterun - however, upon passing a speech check (I had level 80 speech, not sure of the exact value needed), Ysolda will reveal the ceremony is in Morvunskar, allowing this to be skipped. (Interacting with Ysolda early will also allow the player to skip the Rorikstead portion of the quest.)

If you do this, travelling to Witchmist Grove (where the hagraven lives) will uncover the still living, non-hostile hagraven Moira!

May this information prove useful in your journey.

During the quest "a night to remember," the Dragonborn becomes betrothed to a hagraven. As part of this quest, you must kill the hagraven to continue (in the normal progression). Perhaps, like me, you object to this, in which case this guide will prove helpful.

This happens after interacting with Ysolda, in Whiterun - however, upon passing a speech check (I had level 80 speech, not sure of the exact value needed), Ysolda will reveal the ceremony is in Morvunskar, allowing this to be skipped. (Interacting with Ysolda early will also allow the player to skip the Rorikstead portion of the quest.)

If you do this, travelling to Witchmist Grove (where the hagraven lives) will uncover the still living, non-hostile hagraven Moira!

May this information prove useful in your journey.