What would Sutte Hakkun be called if it was released in the 90s in the US?

Cute little puzzle game out on Nintendo Switch Online. You play as a see-through bird that may or may not be a penguin. He can suck in or absorb clear blocks that can be walked on. He also absorbs colors and injects the blocks with these colors to change the function of the block (moves vertically, moves horizontally etc).

I may be in the minority, but I love when games with titles in Japanese get localized with an English title. I wish they did more of that. For example, I hate the title "Ni no Kuni" and that title would never have flied for a 90s English version. I've never played the game, so I don't know what it might have been called had it released for the Super Famicom and brought over to the Super NES. But I guarantee it would have been changed.

Another example, when Sayonara Umihara Kawase was released on the US 3DS, it was called Yumi's Odd Odyssey. So in my personal canon, the Nintendo Switch sequel is not called Umihara Kawase Fresh, to me it's Yumi's Fresh Odyssey. So what do you all think that Sutte Hakkun might have been called if there was an English SNES release when SNES was still being sold new? The character's name can still be Hakkun, since he's in Smash Bros, but I don't like that as an Americanized title. Here's some ideas I came up with:

Sponge Penguin Penguin Paint (a la Mario Paint) Copycat Penguin Sucker Penguin Penguin it to Win It Color Me Penguin Vacuum Penguin Absorbing Penguin Bird Brain Penguin Blocks