I HATE the Backstories - Unpopular opinion

I know I'll be in the minority here, but I find some episodes of Survivor post season 40 to be almost unwatchable due to the amount of backstory information we are given.

It feels as though Survivor has gone down the X-factor route and how people play the game isn't as important now as their story is. The same way talent isn't as important now in these singing shows.

To be brutally honest, I don't care about their past. And I mean that in a good way too. If someone overcame a tragedy or used to be a criminal, I am not here to judge that. I only care about them as a contestant on Survivor, how well they do, and how they play their game. AFTER this, it is then nice to know a little more about them.

I love the diverse casting these days, and it's so wonderful to gradually know about the contestants personal lives. But tons of people have lost relatives, beat cancer, struggled with insecurities. So when the first thing I'm told about the contestants is something like this, I can't help but give a massive eyeroll.

I am just grateful for the "+10 seconds" option available now as the first time we meet anyone on Survivor it's rammed down our throats how hard they've had it.

I may just sounds like a grumpy old fool, and I know this is the way the world is going. But I miss the days when Survivor cared about entertainment and escapism.

I was curious to know if anyone else feels the same, or will I get a load of abuse for this?