I told my friend that I practise Tarot as a beginner as I thought I could trust her, only to forget that she's a Christian...
She started saying that she couldn't believe I was actually doing it. I could see she was trying to be supportive but then I could also see her panicking as she's a hard core christian. She started saying that divination is a sin and blah blah blah while I was like: yeah, but I'm not christian anymore.
IM FREAKING OUT BECAUSE I THINK I MADE A MISTAKE TELLING HER, she said she wldnt tell anyone and I believe her but I think I changed the way she looks at me now. SHE THINKS I DO BAD STUFF, BCOS I said the reading told me to follow an advice and she was like: eh follow what, better not be smth evil...
Update: FORGOT TO MENTION THIS BUT WHEN WE WERE GOOGLING WHETHER DIVINATION IS A SIN, she saw a post saying it is because blah blah blah and that we owe a lot to god. And she looked at me and said: do you know how much u owe to god? I said I wasnt christian anymore and girl was like 👀