One of the issues I've found with telehealth

I am a solo practitioner currently doing telehealth only and I realized something today.

The time you get while walking a client out of your office is helpful to assist the client in grounding and feeling "normal" after entering a deeply vulnerable or emotional space. There is something about the familiarity and normalcy of walking back to the lobby together, making small talk, etc. that can be helpful for the client (and me sometimes, let's be real) that is completely lacking in telehealth.

I have to be so mindful about "wrapping up" towards the end of a session because once we say goodbye it's *click*, we're done. It's abrupt and feels emotionally harsh. I feel bad when I haven't been as diligent about the whole wrapping up process and have to click "End" so quickly after a client was crying, shared something intense, or even had a powerful revelation.

I do enjoy telehealth and find it has given access to my clients they might not have had otherwise but damn is it awkward and unnatural sometimes.

I would love to hear other's thoughts and maybe things you do that help bring telehealth sessions to a close.