Be honest, how much TV does your toddler watch?

Specifically if you’re a SAHM

We were super strict with screen time with our daughter until she turned around 18 months. I know the recommendation is 0 screens (apart from video calls) until 2 but I don’t think the people that made that up had spent anytime with a 20 month old.

I let her watch two episodes of Shaun the Sheep (which btw is amazing and I would happily watch it without her around) while I get ready in the morning - 14 mins of absolute bliss. Occasionally I’ll let her watch something in the afternoon if I’m absolutely spent and just been a reset but other than that she doesn’t watch anything.

But the guilt I feel about it, wow. I know I shouldn’t, she’s happy and healthy and advanced in her speech and cognitive skills so I’m not worried but I always just feel awful sticking her in front of the tv sometimes