Why do obviously average or attractives come here and pretend to be ugly?

I really haven't seen anyone here who was genuinely ugly.

Being genuinely ugly vs feeling insecure even though you are average or attractive are two different things. Attractives will always get validation and attention while uglies get gaslighted or rare superficial pity that makes us feel WORSE.

Its really annoying since, genuinely uglies like us feel even uglier when we compare our mugs to average or attractives. I legit get very upset.

There's a difference between feeling ugly for a day and actually being ugly for the rest of my miserable life. I am hideous for life I have, crooked yaeba teeth, ugly face and hideous body and other things like health conditions that make me extremely unattractive. Even I'm repulsed by my own body. I'm getting uglier everyday. No amount of surgery will help me either.

If I wasn't ugly THEN:

Why am I still a virgin, never had friends or included in society for parties or invitation to things. Never accepted for any job or given job offers. Never been in a relationship or had anyone have or share ANY romantic interest in me. And been made fun of my appearance and blocked online when sharing selfies of my ugly face.

If you've been hit on or ever been in a relationship, you're legit NOT ugly. I am rotting away alone because I'm so ugly.

I wish someone saw an ugly person like me and had genuine sexual attraction to me instead of just being repulsed by my looks. No, not desperate types or just because I was their last option.

Sometimes I am sad because not even desperate types want me. I feel bad for whoever will have intimacy with a genuinely ugly like me.

It's awful to be a nymphomaniac ugly person like me. I don't deserve to have feelings. The very few men I had a crush on online didn't want me. I never asked a woman out but im sure i will never be their type either.