Platform specific lobbies?
hey everyone.
this is my first reddit post, like, ever. I’m sorry if it’s using the wrong flair or is just plain stupid.
I wanted to bring up the topic of platform-specific lobbies. knowing how split this community can be with certain things, I’m bracing myself for either a decent conversation or an airstrike of downvotes to rain down on me. I play on console, PS5 to be specific, and I main Iron Fist. I’ve tried picking up other styles, but the only other styles I’m really good at are Hammer and Ippo (and I’ve been trying to learn Charge but I can’t for the LIFE of me).
so, whenever I face a player on PC, I’ll be honest, it just feels unfair. It feels like they have the advantage in every way, at every second, with every move. And mobile players? I’d assume they have it worse than console players do. I’m Gold 3, so I’m not anything special, but it just feels so unfair whenever I fight a PC player, and it doesn’t feel like I’m getting any better at the game. I feel like the mix of mobile, console and PC players in one lobby is just so unbalanced, to the point where PC just seems play-to-win.
was this post cope? yes, a little bit. do I genuinely wanna see this idea become reality? of course I do. I want this game to feel better than it currently is, and I feel like mobile only, console only, and PC only lobbies will be an amazing addition to the game, considering that I highly doubt I’m the only player who’s thought of this.
TL;DR: platform-specific lobbies are an idea I’ve has for a while because it feels like PC players reign too much over other platforms, making the game overall less fun and seeming more unfair because getting better at the game, in my eyes, is significantly harder than it needs to be on console and mobile.
thank you for reading, what are your thoughts?