JNJ calls 30k gains in one month

Just started trading back in Oct. This is my biggest gain yet. 40% port gain in the last week.

It was crazy watching the entire market tank last week and JNJ was one of the only stocks to see 2% gains daily.

Picked up some shares a month ago, when it was near the bottom, and just watched how to stock moved. Once I was confident in an upturn, I started buying calls. Just rode it up until what I thought might be the peak today. Even if it keeps running, I’m happy with my gains. I was hoping it would go to 170, but it could go either way at this point so I just sold out.

This was the perfect stock to gain experience in letting the winners run. The stock is not very volatile so I could hold out on some of the down days. But fortunately the down days were very small, but up days were big. And the last week just shot up.

Thanks JNJ. I’m finally in the positive. Now I can start playing with house money!