Blizzard PLEASE READ : How to save the game

So lately we have been getting extremely subpar content, bad ideas on top of bad implementation( see atrocious gamebreaking bugs with each update) . Nothing to really look forward to , gameplay loop has gone stale af , nothing exciting to be looking forward to , no lore concept to keep us attached.

But i am done with bickering and complaining. I am making this post to bring ideas to the table and inspire hopefully the devs to consider some aspects long forgotten but that will give a significant boost to player satisfaction,retention and overall enjoyment of the game.

----------------------------------------**PVE concepts to introduce** :-------------------------------------------------

- **Class order halls in major cities**.

every class should have a sharded hub accessible to their own class inside a major city, either hidden or overly exposed according to each class lore similar to Legion but made fresh. Or it can be that 2-3 classes of the same archetype or classes that share interests for example in magic or martial arts , or the light ( example paladin priest can share ) . Inside that hub you will find many things that i will analyse in further points down

- **Class specific expansion long questline** that adds lore to the game and appoaches the lore of the expansion from the class perspective.WE have forgotten how awesome it feels to have your very own class questline and it has always been great to have one. it should not only add lore deep rewards and see how a mage for example interacted with the effort against lets say Xalatath but also **reward the player with power** . it can be from specific items like a max level bracer or back or something not tierslotable or weapon or it can be new powerful specific gems that provide additional flavor to the class and those will be upgradable with each quest milestone in major patches. It can have power gains like normal gems do but bumped up and customisable. it can also have cosmetic options , for example if you equip the power gem into your Helmet as a fire mage, your head randomly combusts itself ( fun factor if you choose it ) or you generate a smallish fire radiance on your clothes .examples can be many and creativity can be let loose

- **Proving grounds for classes**, tailored around optimal rotation , to help new and returning players alike with entering content.For new players it should be something to look forward to and for old players, a testing ground of their own choosing. Besides training in dummies, it can be a test to see how much dps you can produce or how much hps or tank survivability you can do. It can have 1-2 default settings that simulates some scenarios , but it should also have the player option to add/remove enemies so they can see in real scenarios how much damage or healing they do. It can reward newer players with some gold or a cool cosmetic achievement and you can also have achievements for older players . ***Example*** : me as an experienced player , i enter and set up enemy waves of 10 mobs to see my aoe capabilities and train my rotation for m+ . a nice thing and im really looking forward to enter because i can fine tune my rotation when i feel like something is missing.if i decide to opt in , i add a caster into that pack to start training onto interrupts while doing my rotation .

- **Ingame - bounty/job board**. A brand new feature where players post their dnd-esque request . it can be anything , from help me do deadmines with my alt for X reward ( it can even be i will sing you a song or i am paying you gold etc) . It must have a slick design and DND esque feel , so you are basically hired as an adventurer for certain tasks. It will help with ingame socialisation as people can get creative and have fun posts . Instead of having for example public work orders noone really uses, this can replace them so even crafters are encouraged to post their options or people that want to craft , can make a post with what they are looking for ( they can set their desired quality and let the order sink in ) i bet a ton of people will use that feature. It should have its own flavorfull area like a tavern where it will be a huge meeting point for all players alike. Introducing such a thing will revitalise the atmospheric feeling of a grand tavern that players want to visit and potentially hang out. This will be an ever ending amount of content and it will also help with the grand problem of finding people to play with for m+ . Example post : hey fellow adventurer , our group of 2 is looking for a healer and dps for doing 12-13 lvl keys Today at 13,00 . Contact us and lets enter the dungeon

- **More 1/2 bosses raids , raids split up into 2 -3 different ones** . Have a single raid boss lair with exciting design and restore the rpg feeling . Nothing ever gets old as killing a dragon alone in its lair. Also a chance to expand the lore dumps with texts or cosmetic treasure scattered in its Lair .

- **Return the world to warcraft**. Create more world content that stays relevant for those that wish it , even include endgame crest aquisition to world content . Atm world content is deader than dead. Have ingame events more often and more flavorfoul , like defend the village from kobold attack and protect their candles : reward 15 gilded crests , repeatable weekly.repeatable for gold farm or cosmetics. Make it cool and dnd esque and not lamey. Honestly i rather spend my time in well designed zones rather than semi afk in boring city hub and staring at lfg panel for doing a 30 minute dungeon to get currency.

- Smaller loot table in dungeons, more flavorfull items. Introduce brand new exciting cantrips in items that are tuned overall to not extreme but meaningfull heights. for example introduce cool cantrips on items like weapon ,a lightning comes out and strikes or you breathe fire or or or etc etc etc. Have less trinkets, but more balanced ones and more flavorful ones. DO not provide us with 1000 trinkets per season . 3-5 per class/role type are enough but make them equally good and desirable , that solve scenarios so they are worthy of aquiring and leave it to the player to choose.

---------------------------------------**PVP Content** -------------------------------------------------------------

pvp is deader than arthas. Lets revive it and have a wow renaissance.

- Unique battlegrounds in the world . Players can now enter a zone and choose their side . BRAND NEW CONCEPT : side with the enemy. You basically are hired-become part of the enemy faction for weekly endgame rewards/cosmetics/cool mounts so people are encouraged to do both sides. For example I side this month with Xalatath and her minions , I get some cool conquest and cosmetic armor , and a nice feetpic of her lovely feet. This will drive players en masse to that content. This can also have unique impact in your world as you may enter city/village hubs ingame and be treated as a traitor for the week. Like npcs saying something to you , or inkeeper refusing to shelter you for that week so you get marked as traitor and are forced to live outside and have your inkeeper hub be a small camp of traitors alike.

- Rebalance pvp from the ground up, great prune to reduce complexity in pvp specifically and lower the extreme entry barrier that current pvp has.

- really work on the cosmetic side of pvp , so everyone has something insanely cool to look forward to besides power gains that come with ranks. The vanilla pvp system was so coveted because hell it was insanely cool to look and have the grand marshal title.

- Remove battlegrounds that have been here forever , add new fun game modes in battlegrounds , steal every possible idea without any shame from other games.

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- BRAND NEW CONCEPT : **area siege/control** : if you enable world pvp, you have the new concept of Zone siege. Each week the good guys battle vs the traitors for control of a zone : lets say Hallowfall. You sign up for each faction at the start of the rest and battle for objectives and control over the map that culminates with the defence of the central city hub of the zone . How to balance numbers: have a strict numbers metter preventing one side to be more populated than the other and keep the effort ongoing. It may lead to the sacking of the city hub , or the sacking of the enemy city hub which will be unavailable for the remainder of the reset etc. This will be an ongoing pvp effort from both sides . It can start as experimental and be fine tuned with player feedback as it is quite ambitious. provide endgame rewards and conquest gear and cosmetics. Titles also : Defender of the light or Slicky slimmy traitor etc etc. Can be both fun or serious title. Honestly noone joins warmode to quest on a zone, most look for action .

THis can also lead to interesting questlines since you will be branded a traitor and you will join the enemy side for a week. You will automatically have the enemies be friendly to you and actively change sides and the good guys will be enemies. you will experience the game from a whole different lense as siding with the bad guys , for new flavorful gameplay. It can also make up for interesting roleplaying , like figure out a story for your character that due to betrayal from X npc , you were driven man by sorrow and chose to oppose the light or the good etc etc. It can also be a whole new different leveling experience for warmoders.Since you will be joining the enemy, you will have a whole different point of view, so you will be encouraged to level and see both sides of the conflict.

I encourage all after this long wall of text, to give similar ideas. Lets make this thread a creative/constructive one with feedback and players wishes. And lets respect each others ideas . Sometimes it takes the community to bring forth their wishes/ideas and see where that leads us