Played 4, lost 4 - BG Matchmaking please
So, of all the quality of life improvements Bliz made, LFG, Dual spec, etc... In 20 years, I can't believe they haven't gotten better at matchmaking? We've had rankings for arenas, we've seen dozens of games solely based off of matchmaking and player ratings and leagues etc..
Why, are we still in a position that in a BG they can match two teams that result in it being so completely one sided that it's just a bad experience?
Thought I'd join to get R2 before the honor calculations. Lvl 38 priest. 4 WSG's later and every single one a 3-0 loss.
- I got groups with 4 priests, 2 locks, 3 rogues and a druid.
- I got games where 7/10 of our team were sub lvl 35 and yet only 1 of theirs was sub lvl37.
- I got games where 3-4 of their team were already rank 4 and yet none of our team were ranked.
We could get a BG arena rating below honor rankings, they could use gear score, matchmaking based on classes, heck I'd take teams filled on an even average level.
Caveat, I have no idea how matchmaking is done, if there is any logic or if it's first come first served.