I can’t get past Week 10 Case 1
Rebooking Every WWE PPV from WrestleMania 1 - WrestleMania 40 - Part 5 (Long)
Choice #285: "Are you guys gonna be trouble? Because we could've just kept walking."
Least Favorite Nocturne Character?
Choice #284: "You think we have a good plan?" "I think it's very good! Can I...tell my parents? You know."
Choice #283: ("look for your parents route") "Yeah, you need to know if they're okay, and well, if not, what happened to them." "I'm sure they're okay."
Choice #282: ("help find a boat" or "go our own way" route) *Clementine tells Lee that she wants to look for her parents despite the plan being laid out*
Choice #281: "Aside from everyone else, when this train stops you and I should know exactly what we're doing." "A plan. I like it." "Good. :)"
Where would YOU sit?
Rebooking WWE PPVs from 2013 o 2024 (part 38)
Choice #280: "You've killed lots of things now. It doesn't even matter..."
Characters I hate.
Choice #279: "Do you know how to do this? 0_0"
Rebooking WWE PPVs from 2013 to 2024 (part 36)
Choice #278: "Is there anything else I need to know?"
Choice #277: (Don't threaten Ben route) "You still want to talk to me?"
Choice #276: "It was me..." "Huh?" "I was the one giving the bandits supplies..." "What?! D:" "It's all my fault..."
Choice #275: *Lee gives booze to Chuck* "Damn. Didn't realize I had it left. Thank ya." *he takes it and drinks from it* "Want a nip?"
Choice #274: "Aren't many of us left." "Yeah...you, me, and Kenny...Clementine...the homeless dude if he sticks around."
Choice #273: "If something were to happen to you..." "It won't." "...If it were, you gotta prepare the girl. Teach her to use a weapon, and for criminy cut that hair."
Which of these 3 half chapters would you make into a full one?
Choice #272: "I know that you don't have a goddamn plan. We get to Savannah, and then what."
Choice #271: *Lee storms to the front of the train to confront Chuck* "HEY! >:(" "How ya doin? :3"
Choice #270: (let Kenny put down Duck route) *Kenny stands over Duck aiming the gun at him but hesitates several times*
What dbd collad would you want in the game?