Help me pick 2 Katana it
Shadiver- oh wait sorry KNIGHTS WATCH is now picking a fight with Hasan, Destiny & Ethan Klein. Shad may have just opened Pandora's Box. No matter what you think of them, if they wanted to make Shad's life a living hell they easily could.
Discussion about the ‘new’ Hanwei - what do you want to see?
First katana
Best bolt carrier group for a standard 10/22 carbine
Higo no Kami folding knife
Casting Silent Hill 1-3 as if they were movies made in the 2000s.
Trying to recommission this tank (5 gal). What should I put in here?
Matthew Jensen's Response Commentary to Shadiversity: Don't Get SCAMMED when buying a sword!
Motohara vs huawei
Any advice for a 10gal Tank?
First Day of Class
It happened to me: I started upgrading my carbine
Did I take a photo of a ghost back in 2013?
My (24f) boyfriend (27m) slapped me out of anger for the first time yesterday. Can we move forward from this?
Hanwei Shinto….. err, I mean Dragon King Ryujin (CAS Iberia 40th Anniversary Katana)
Can I be a politician with a 90 iq
Currently working on customizing a Hanwei Bamboo Mat Katana. Any suggestions for the ito colour/material?
I’m sorry BUT…
Fiance (m27) made a scene at my (f25) workplace, wrecked my car, ran into the road and got hit by a car, then detained for a DUI
Can a goldfish live in a 20 gallon tank
My girlfriend wants to break up with me because I hid i take viagra from her. 42M-38F
Grandpas basement katana
Where does swordis operate from?