I’m a Pisces dating my firs Virgo and I’m a changed woman
Pisces Sun, Aquarius Moon, Libra rising - can any conclusions be drawn from that info?
Pisces are at the top of the serial killer list.
Y’all I’m going through it
Pisces, star sign of the person who broke your heart.
What is the most useless thing you have memorized?
I'm a Cancer, she's a Pisces. Is she interested?
What’s ur big three?
Whats a song you listen to that no one else probably heard?
The 2003 Hulk was my favorite movie when I was a young kid. Watching back at 21 Y/O, I have no idea how I was allowed to watch this.
Foam wonderland Eugene May 13th
My 21st birthday falls on a Friday😁
STICK in portland
for the most recent concerts of the tour did smino come out first or jid? bc i’m seeing mixed answers
I started a list on 11/15 that tracks all of the reoccurring numbers I’ve been seeing lately
Nadjha & Jeff
What I noticed between February Pisces and March Pisces.
Any Current OTs willing to schedule a time to chat with me?
Pisces and addiction?