New to drawing and watercolor -- suggestions for improvement?
I am gonna cry, any help!!!!
4 week old cries from 12-4am every night- is there hope?
Joint Birthday Cake
My guy is physically incapable of stopping
Hand study
what should i focus on learning for figure drawing?
my art doesnt get recognition on instagram
Is it just me or are their boobs to far apart on the first two? Or is there anything i can do to improve it? I can't tell cuz they're clothed on the reference I was given
Which one do you like? Pick one please 😊
"When Tommy came to visit" (TLOU2)
Why prismacolor why
Ferret Kahlo (as requested)
In a dark, dark wood…
Are you self taught or did you take classes?
Help me getting started
Sleeping bag temperature ratings?
First knitting attempt - Brutally judge it 🧶🧶🧶🧶🧶🧶🧶
My 100 days of learning art, a video
Sharing My Latest Oil Works - Tips or Thoughts?
A couple of bookmarks ❤️
Pringles sleeve
Lesson Learned: Don't put drinking glass next to dirty water container.
I took a picture of my painting every 20 minutes. It took 2 hours in total to paint.