What's One Very Small Thing In Warframe That Pisses You Off?
Who was your first Prime frame?
I am beyond pissed right now
Torid Riven Rolls
Lost 13/15 previous games. Plat to Gold 2 would, probably, be pushed down to Gold or Silver. WTF is this match-making?
Which Warframes/Builds can reliably take all 4 Keyglyphs in Netracells?
Do people joining public missions get annoyed at being carried?
These four have a very special place in my heart, even if I don't play them much anymore. What would be your own "Special Squad"?
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question about the slizzer roll
Can someone explain the difference between click roll and slizzer roll
Who or what inspired you to beatbox?
What phantom or vandal skin FEELS the best to play on?
Is there any order for learning beatbox sounds?
people with low sens, what sens do you play on?
Why is possible to get a ban for afk in premier?
Brimstone shouldn't be playable on Pearl
what is your most hated boss fight in elden ring, or top 3 most hated?
Best portable speaker for beatboxing? 🔊🔊Any recommendations?
What frame can help me with this challenge?
Help me with inward bass
What was a time when RNGesus hated you?
How do you get hollow liproll ( Basic liproll variant) I can do inward hollow liproll as well as the outward hollow but I can’t seem to do the basic one hollowed. Any tips?