Christians is this Real?
atheists, what type of atheist would you say you are?
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
Name one thing you do that if everyone did, the world would be a better place.
How many browser tabs do you have open right now?
JESUS WAS A _______ MAN.
Conservative men, whats your opinion of feminism
Who would be better president + religious meaning?
If Jesus was running for president (cannon, not fanon) would you vote for him? (explain if you wanna)
Should biological men be allowed in women's sports?
Scene: things you can say about a pizza but not your girlfriend
Which character do you believe has had the most plot armor?
SFAH: Worst ways to react to your kid coming out and telling you they’re gay
Anime I can watch in public?
Choose one to eat for a month straight?
Are unborn babies human?
This isn't political. I don't think trans-women or trans-girls should be allowed to compete in women's or girls sports. How is this transphobic?
When do we get our own unique human DNA? Answer the poll before looking it up.
Poorly describe a Linkin Park song and let the others guess.
Is saying "Donald trump is a worse person, better president" accurate?
What do I look like my name is (be as honest as you want lol)
Real talk, what is your opinion on Donald Trump?
Americans: After everything that happened, do you still stand for the pledge of allegiance at your school?
If life had a ‘delete’ button, what’s the one thing you’d erase without hesitation?
How not to tell someone they have cancer