Who Else Loves The Tenth Doctor?
What comic moment is this image
Cyclops on thoughts captain American
Sorry Doc but Better let Time Lords dead a few seasons more
I've been reading 70s Conan comics and... Could it be?
It’s cute 100% of the time
Does anyone have the full video for this one? I gotta see how much worse it gets
The Upcoming Propstore Auction
What are the most creative and original Big Finish stories?
Things you really like... but can't recommend
Okay, I know we're sick of Fear Her posts, but this is a bit much...
If there's something I've learned, it's that you never find the last Doctor Who related thing.
Forget last words, what are your favorite FIRST WORDS in media?
Uncle Nick Briggs, his niece and her girlfriend
What is the most improbable escape by the Doctor?
Doctor Who in other shows
Do you prefer Doctor who to be more Futuristic, Steampunk, Retro sci fi, or more something inbetween?
Does anybody have a link to the Patschwitz video?
Nonono let’s bring back the Kerblam guy instead.
Greg Rucka on why some writers struggle with Wonder Woman
If you had to show someone only one scene of Doctor Who, why would it be this one?
Wonder Woman and Hawkman have almost the same type of animated adaptation.
Why Was Chibnall’s Approach in Series 12 So Different From Series 11?
Moments in games where you just said "Oh no"?
what your favorite DC character says about you