Android to iPhone: One Week In and Feeling Conflicted
Just finished the books and have someone questions (spoilers ahead)
Just finished Dust, what is everyone hoping to see in the next 2 seasons?
Taxes for non US residents
Good cable management
Ova para je mogla grijati cijelu sarajevsko zeničku kotlinu da su naši političari imali pameti
BH Telecom preuzima Telemach. Dobro ili loše po kvalitet usluga?
Playstation or XBox Controller?
[OC] slowly creeping cost of living
The slowly creeping cost of living
Venu 3 Bluetooth signal is so bad
Successfully transferred chat history from Samsung to iPhone 16PM
Got my first iPhone
Successfully transferred Viber chat history from Samsung to iPhone :)
Successfully transferred chat history from Samsung to iPhone
Ima li kod nas ovih restoranskih izazova?
Forget actual run time. What's the "longest" movie ever?
You can buy pocket knives at Basel Airport after you have passed the security control.
[homemade] Failed popcorn
Skenderija u UE5 okruženju, snimljeno u editoru. 17 miliona poligona na 60fps, Full HD, RTX uključen
Problem sa Cobra alarmom
Funkcioniše li iPhone EU store u Bosni?
Povećanje cijene struje nije 10% nego 23% kako je najavljeno iz EPBiH
Just finished watching the show... Bitter sweet taste
You reap what you sow. Happy with today's harvest.