Is it a necessity for a roam to be a tank?
My newbie friend's first trade in PoE2: flexing by selling a helmet for 15 exalts in 5 seconds...
Rant corner
Polymathy vs Spaghettification
DrBones’ 1,000+ Divine Giveaway
Squeek squeek
Best Tank in the entire game? (from among all the tanks)
Which hero had the worst redesign
This map will be huge
Questions Thread - February 27, 2025
Skill Tree Diagram (Personal Project) - What else should I add? (combining various other graphics into a single chart)
Is this wand any good?
The first one I've had in 54 runs...was it worth it?
Early Access Announcements - Early Access Stats Snapshot - Forum - Path of Exile
Hello yes, excuse me. What the hell is going on with the Market Ratio for Divine Orbs??
Projectile Amulet, is this useful?
arbiter sucks or I suck at arbiter idk
Found inside a pickle. Please tell me it’s not a pickled bug.
Open Your Strongboxes I guess?
Am i the only one who expected them to be included?
So this ring dropped for me...
At least I can say I've finally seen one in the wilds
The stresslevels of not dying during following altar maps..
Made this in 1000 divs
Warrior has ruined this game for me.