What storylines or characters do you wish they would revisit?
Season 18...
Most unprofessional moments?
Just a fun question!
fav team centered episodes?
Suggest me a book with a tiger on the cover or in the title
Cast Directed Episodes
Why was Gideon so hard on Garcia?
Here's a list of the highest and lowest rated episodes on IMDB. What would you rate your top 5 and bottom 5 episode?
What are some of the cast’s best acting performances in the show?
What's going on here? Wrong answers only!
The WORST ways to specify an episode
How does traveling the world with a PR status work, don’t be afraid to explain it like i’m 10 years old
Worst CM episode ever?
What is the best decision you've ever made in your life?
IMDB Spoilers
All the Criminal Minds seasons. Which season was best in your opinion?
Funniest scene/line
What was the general vibe among fans with the cast changes in the second season?
What would you make uncannon?
How do we think this subplot will play out?
What's the most memorable line (excluding the obvious ones) for you?
Kate Callahan
Ranking Which category you on based on when you started watching criminal minds.