How tough is your bracket today ?
Questions about wall
How do I spend 3957 stones?
Do I buy The Wall as soon as I can or wait a bit?
Dunno much about the game, have Asd, so im slow at processing info but are any of the bot things worth it
If perma BH (pBH) is as good as people say, then a 1:1 sync between BH, GT, and DW in the early game is not the way to go
BHD results
This may sound dumb but...
6000 stones into SM, 4000 Stones into CL. CL still does 10x as much damage.
Module Presets
Do you think an Epic Galaxy Compressor would outperform a Legendary Black Hole Digestor?
Can we get a battery save mode for those who don’t have an extra device?
CL Not helping?
Shotgun help
Confess your /facepalm or /derp!
This happened today
Informational: GC aka Glass Cannon
Most important lab
I like to be the first to enter a Tournament so I can briefly sit atop the leaderboard
How do I cash out my prize before the tournament ends?
Ultimate weapon plus
Someone Smarter Than Me Please Think For Me
Flame bot damage reduction
Chain lightning is the play, right?
Drop your module knowledge on me!